Umlaut House 2


Umlaut House 2 is now at (The URL was in error yetserday, sorry.)

Also, forumite Nitwit was kind enough to search out the new location of the Umlaut House Forum so y'all can update your bookmarks for that.

Previous comic First comic

Yeah, yeah... I'm working on finishing up the modifications.

FEB Mar 2008
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All characters and images on this site are the property of Allan Christopher Ecker. Any modification and or reproduction of these images without written consent is prohibited. To put it in a more relaxed way, don't mess with my stuff, okay? I don't have any problem with fan art, but I would like some recognition. In fact, if you've drawn some fan art, send it in! I'll probably post it, unless it's naughty, in which case I'll probably just keep it for myself.